How To Cope With Arthritis In Your Cat

19 February 2021
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Cats can develop arthritis in their limbs, joints, and spine. There are a variety of treatment options available to you to help manage arthritis pain in your cat. Knowing as much as you can about arthritis pain and the signs, symptoms, and treatments is the only way to ensure that your cat is properly taken care of. Here's a look at what you need to know.

Signs Your Cat Has Arthritis

Cats are very good at hiding their symptoms, so it can be difficult to know when they are in pain. However, cats with arthritis tend to start being less active. You will notice that they no longer like to run or jump up and down. The way they walk may also change. Their gait may be slower and they may also have issues with being brushed or petted.

Exercise for Arthritis in Cats

Arthritis that is identified early can be treated before it progresses. One of the ways in which it is managed is through exercise and weight control. Exercising your cat may require some creativity on your part. You have to find games that your cat will enjoy. For example, your cat may enjoy playing with toys that are attached to the end of the string or playing hide and seek. You will also need to make calorie restrictions to control your cat's weight. Your veterinarian will assist you with making these changes.

Supplements for Arthritis

Supplements that are specifically designed for joints can help your cat. Your vet may recommend oral supplements that come in powder, liquid, or treats. If your cat is like most, they love to eat fish. Tuna and salmon are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. However, if your cat does not want to eat fish, you can give them omega-3 fatty acids supplements.

Physical Therapy

Your cat may need physical therapy to help keep them active. Physical therapy will prevent their muscles and joints from becoming stiff. A light massage and a gentle range of motion of their joints, as well as stretching, can help your cat. You can also take a more hands-off approach and get your cat a heated bed to soothe their arthritis pain.

Helping a cat get through arteritis pain can be challenging. However, there are many ways that you can help to make your cat as comfortable as possible. The tips given here should help you do just that. Reach out to a professional who provides pet services for more information. 
