Why Golden Retrievers Deserve Their Golden Reputation

26 October 2022
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

When it comes to dogs that have famously good reputations, golden retrievers are near the top of the list, but what makes them so popular? After all, many dogs are very loyal, fun, and beautiful, yet golden retrievers often beat them out when it comes to people's overall favorite. If you are looking for a new puppy then it can be hard to ignore this overall fanfare surrounding golden retrievers, but do they live up to the hype? The short answer is yes, they really do deserve their reputation, and here are a few reasons why you should consider getting a golden retriever puppy.

They Love To Make You Happy

While there are a lot of friendly dogs out there, it is hard to find another hound that loves making you happy as much as golden retrievers do. They are great at joking around and playing with you, but if you need them to do something, they will listen attentively as well, especially when trained. There are only a few more loyal dogs out there who are as dedicated to their owners as these beautiful-looking animals. Golden retrievers will do their utmost to keep you happy and will try and cheer you up whenever they sense you are a bit down.

Their Gentle Temperament

Even though they are some of the most playful pups out there, golden retrievers are still very gentle as overall dogs. They have a very low prey drive, especially for larger dogs which often have quite high prey drives, which means they do not like to pounce or act aggressively. They typically do not snap or nip at kids, and they are very tolerant of even the most boisterous children. Not only are they very happy dogs, but they are very understanding of other animals and humans who may not be as well socialized as they are.

They Are Very Funny

People who own golden retrievers can tell you just how hilarious these dogs can be. They are very active but they can often entertain themselves, even if you only minimally engage with them. They have huge characters and love to be silly, but they also are quite smart and have low maintenance when it comes to picking up after them. It is easy to put up with an animal that is funny and that you love for whom they are, it is just a bonus that golden retrievers are so loyal, friendly, and gentle.

Contact a local breeder or shelter to learn more about golden retriever puppies
